Winter Skin - The Road to Recovery Pt.1

Stop right there!

Is this lizard you? Are your scales ashy and does your ash have scales? Read on, this one’s for you.

If you’re finding winter is long and hard (that’s what she said), you aren’t on your own. My DM’s have been full of an alarming amount of concerned, crispy citizens. You’re losing hydration, you’re losing your glow. By the sound of some of your messages, you’re losing the will to live ☹️.

Worry not, I’m here to help! Read on for changes you can make to your routine for free using products you already own.


She's a temperamental lil’ thing, and the slightest inconvenience will set her off. These include but are not limited to: central heating, an unwashed scarf, an overly affectionate pet, that boy you met over Christmas who sleeps on a floor mattress. Each has the power to damage your skin’s barrier which can result in breakouts, dry patches, oily skin, and sensitivity. If you aren’t sure what a barrier is then head here and here immediately.


So you know you need to change your pillowcase regularly, but what about your scarf? A lot of my clients find that they suffer from acne around their jawline and neck during the winter months. Rather than assuming it must be hormonal, when’s the last time you washed your scarf? If you can’t remember, you know what to do. Check your coat collar and if you see make-up, give it a wipe with a warm washcloth. Obviously, this depends on the coat. I take no responsibility for ruined coats 😌


So you’ve changed your pillowcase, your bedding’s clean and you have 5 scarfs on rotation. Yet here you are, with chapped lips and skin like scorched earth. Turn off the central heating while you sleep and crack open your bedroom window. Yes, I am asking you to choose between being a bit cold or waking up with glowing skin, and honestly I don’t see the issue. Let that fresh air circulate. Central heating is hydration’s worst enemy, and you’re wrapped in blankets so you don’t even need it. Get yourself a mini humidifier and place it by your bed so your skin can drink in that excess moisture. Thank me later.


There is a big difference between hydration and moisture. To make it easier to remember, hydration is for under the skin and moisture is for the top. Hydrating products are usually water-based with a thinner texture, allowing them to travel through the layers in the epidermis. Moisturising products are generally thicker and can include balms or oils. These protect the epidermis and prevent hydration from evaporating. You’re gonna need a lot more layers of hydration under your moisturiser in the winter months.


When your skin starts acting up, the natural thing to do is reach for an active product and attack. That my friends, would be the wrong thing to do 😌. Your skin is stressed, the last thing you want to do is exacerbate the issue. Put down the acids, retinol and scrubs until you feel your skin is balanced and your barrier is repaired. You need to be gentle and patient. Imagine your skin is a baby squirrel and treat it accordingly.


Put it on now, please. After your moisturiser and facial oil, SPF should be the last step of your skin routine or all of your hard work will be for naught.

Check back in for our Winter Skin Recovery Pt.2, where we share key ingredients to include in your regimen and our favourite skin-boosting products.

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